The Lost Camp


Increased Starting Population

Bonus Starting Resources

Reduced Enviromental Hazards


Standard Starting Population

Average Starting Resources

Standard Enviromental Hazards


Limited Starting Population

Light Starting Resources

Dangerous Enviromental hazards

Season: {{seasons.current}}

Recent Events


Day {{}}

Camp Management


Exposure: {{}} | Moral: {{moral.current}}/{{moral.max}}

Game Speed:

Worker Assignments



Send workers to gather basic supplies.
Each worker gathers {{assignments.gathering.unitValue}} raw food per day and may gather some wood and cloth.



Workers convert raw food into rations
Each worker produces {{assignments.cookhouse.unitValue}} rations from {{assignments.cookhouse.unitCost}} raw food each day.



Woodcutters produce a constant supply of wood
Each worker produces {{assignments.sawmill.unitValue}} wood each day.



Masons hammer out stone from the mountain
Each worker produces {{assignments.quarry.unitValue}} stone each day.

Iron Mine


Miners bring metal from mountain's depths
Each worker produces {{assignments.ironMine.unitValue}} metal each day.

Explorer Assignments

Form Squad 1
Form a team of explorers to venture from our encampment
Costs {{exploration.squad1.woodCost}} Wood and {{exploration.squad1.metalCost}} Metal
Exploration Squad 1
Squad 1 - On Mission
Squad 1 - Awaiting Orders
Squad 1 - Returning Home
Form Squad 2
Form a team of explorers to venture from our encampment
Costs {{exploration.squad2.woodCost}} Wood and {{exploration.squad2.metalCost}} Metal
Exploration Squad 2
Squad 2 - On Mission
Squad 2 - Awaiting Orders
Squad 2 - Returning Home
Form Squad 3
Form a team of explorers to venture from our encampment
Costs {{exploration.squad3.woodCost}} Wood and {{exploration.squad3.metalCost}} Metal
Exploration Squad 3
Squad 3 - On Mission
Squad 3 - Awaiting Orders
Squad 3 - Returning Home
Form Squad 4
Form a team of explorers to venture from our encampment
Costs {{exploration.squad4.woodCost}} Wood and {{exploration.squad4.metalCost}} Metal
Exploration Squad 4
Squad 4 - On Mission
Squad 4 - Awaiting Orders
Squad 4 - Returning Home


Build Tents
Tents can help shelter up to {{shelters.tents.capacityPerAmount}} survivors each from the elements ({{}} Protection)
Costs {{shelters.tents.woodCost}} Wood and {{shelters.tents.clothCost}} Cloth
Build Shack
Shacks can help shelter up to {{shelters.tents.capacityPerAmount}} survivors each from the elements ({{}} Protection)
Costs {{shelters.shacks.woodCost}} Wood
Build House
Houses can help shelter up to {{shelters.tents.capacityPerAmount}} survivors each from the elements ({{}} Protection)
Costs {{shelters.houses.woodCost}} Wood and {{shelters.houses.stoneCost}} Stone
Build Cookhouse
Cookhouses allow for the conversion of raw food to rations
Costs {{assignments.cookhouse.woodCost}} Wood
Expand Cookhouse
Cookhouses allow for the conversion of raw food to rations
Costs {{assignments.cookhouse.woodCost}} Wood
Build Research Tent
Allows for scientists to conduct T1 research
Costs {{structures.researchTent.woodCost}} Wood
Build Sawmill
Sawmills allow for the processing of lumber
Costs {{assignments.sawmill.woodCost}} Wood and {{assignments.sawmill.metalCost}} Metal
Expand Sawmill
Sawmills allow for the processing of lumber
Costs {{assignments.sawmill.woodCost}} Wood and {{assignments.sawmill.metalCost}} Metal
Repair Quarry
The Quarry allows for extraction of stone
Costs {{assignments.quarry.woodCost}} Wood
Expand Quarry
The Quarry allows for extraction of stone
Costs {{assignments.quarry.woodCost}} Wood
Repair Iron Mine
The Iron Mine allows for extraction of metal
Costs {{assignments.ironMine.woodCost}} Wood and {{assignments.ironMine.stoneCost}} Stone
Expand Iron Mine
The Iron Mine allows for extraction of metal
Costs {{assignments.ironMine.woodCost}} Wood and {{assignments.ironMine.stoneCost}} Stone
Build Dry Storage
A more permanent storage facility would let us keep more food and prevent some spoiling
Costs {{structures.dryStorage.woodCost}} Wood, {{structures.dryStorage.stoneCost}} Stone, and {{structures.dryStorage.metalCost}} Metal
Build Storehouse
A solid storehouse would help expand our storage system greatly
Costs {{structures.storehouse.woodCost}} Wood, and {{structures.storehouse.stoneCost}} Stone
Build Wood Depot
A small warehouse extension for wood
Costs {{structures.woodDepot.woodCost}} Wood, {{structures.woodDepot.stoneCost}} Stone, and {{structures.woodDepot.metalCost}} Metal
Expand Wood Depot
Expand the warehouse wood depot
Costs {{structures.woodDepot.woodCost}} Wood, {{structures.woodDepot.stoneCost}} Stone, and {{structures.woodDepot.metalCost}} Metal
Build Stone Depot
A small warehouse extension for stone
Costs {{structures.stoneDepot.woodCost}} Wood, {{structures.stoneDepot.stoneCost}} Stone, and {{structures.stoneDepot.metalCost}} Metal
Expand Stone Depot
Expand the warehouse stone depot
Costs {{structures.stoneDepot.woodCost}} Wood, {{structures.stoneDepot.stoneCost}} Stone, and {{structures.stoneDepot.metalCost}} Metal
Build Cloth Depot
A small warehouse extension for cloth
Costs {{structures.clothDepot.woodCost}} Wood, {{structures.clothDepot.stoneCost}} Stone, and {{structures.clothDepot.metalCost}} Metal
Expand Cloth Depot
Expand the warehouse cloth depot
Costs {{structures.clothDepot.woodCost}} Wood, {{structures.clothDepot.stoneCost}} Stone, and {{structures.clothDepot.metalCost}} Metal
Build Metal Depot
A small warehouse extension for metal
Costs {{structures.metalDepot.woodCost}} Wood, {{structures.metalDepot.stoneCost}} Stone, and {{structures.metalDepot.metalCost}} Metal
Expand Metal Depot
Expand the warehouse metal depot
Costs {{structures.metalDepot.woodCost}} Wood, {{structures.metalDepot.stoneCost}} Stone, and {{structures.metalDepot.metalCost}} Metal
Upgrade Research tent
Expanded facilities allow for more researchers and research into T2 topics
Costs {{structures.smallWorkshop.woodCost}} Wood
Upgrade Small Workshop
Expanded facilities allow for more researchers and research into T3 topics
Costs {{structures.advancedWorkshop.woodCost}} Wood, and {{structures.advancedWorkshop.stoneCost}} Stone


Open Research Panel
Conducting Research...

Game Speed:

Population: {{population.totalPopulation}}

Workers: {{population.uaWorkers}}/{{population.workers}}

Explorers: {{population.uaExplorers}}/{{population.explorers}}

Military: {{population.uaMilitary}}/{{population.military}}

Scientists: {{population.uaScientists}}/{{population.scientists}}



Wood: {{materials.wood}}/{{materials.woodCapacity}}

Stone: {{materials.stone}}/{{materials.stoneCapacity}}

Cloth: {{materials.cloth}}/{{materials.clothCapacity}}

Metal: {{materials.metal}}/{{materials.metalCapacity}}


Rations: {{supplies.rations}}/{{supplies.rationsCapacity}}

Raw Food: {{supplies.rawFood}}/{{supplies.rawFoodCapacity}}


Homeless: {{shelters.homeless}}

Tents: {{shelters.tents.amount}}

Shacks: {{shelters.shacks.amount}}

Houses: {{shelters.houses.amount}}


Cookhouse: Level {{assignments.cookhouse.level}}

Sawmill: Level {{assignments.sawmill.level}}

Quarry: Level {{assignments.quarry.level}}

Iron Mine: Level {{assignments.ironMine.level}}

Dry Storage: Level {{structures.dryStorage.level}}

Storehouse: Level {{structures.storehouse.level}}

Wood Depot: Level {{structures.woodDepot.level}}

Stone Depot: Level {{structures.stoneDepot.level}}

Cloth Depot: Level {{structures.clothDepot.level}}

Metal Depot: Level {{structures.metalDepot.level}}


Game Info

The Lost Camp is developed by Corbin Hunter @ Frostfire Studios LLC using JavaScript, Vue.js, and PHP

This game is currently in "Early Access", and is inspired by Frostpunk and A Dark Room.

Development Plans: Trello Roadmap

Version History

P-0.5.2 | 2/9/2022 3:40 PM


  • Current season now is displayed at the top of the events sidepanel
  • Event Log and Assets panels can be collapsed (are collapsed by default on mobile)
  • New keybinds: Users can now use keybinds to navigate menus. E is bound to exploration, R is bound to research, L is bound to event logs, and A is bound to assets
  • Adaptive time-control location: Location of time controls changes on mobile devices to make time management easier
  • New mobile-friendly design (Initial Build). Game should be playable on any modern mobile device with minimal issues
  • New "X" button on panels that previously had to be closed by pressing esc


  • Research panel now shows what is required to conduct specific research
  • Camp management buttons can now be clicked on anywhere to execute request
  • Most buttons now give some form of indication when hovered over
  • Testing branch now links back to itself when restarting a game
  • Plus and minus buttons now change color when hovered on

P-0.5.1 | 2/8/2022 3:30 PM


  • New Cloth Depot
  • New cloth resource used for building tents. Like metal, good cloth is uncommon but can be found by gatherers. Will have more uses later


  • Donation moral event can give cloth
  • Tents now cost 5 cloth
  • Lower tier shelters are upgraded before new shelters are constructed for T2 and T3 shelters. Resources are saved doing this
  • Reduced Casual base exposure to 0
  • Reduced Deepest Winter exposure by 2
  • Added 2 scientists to Apocalypse


  • Implemented an hourly check system to counter the random loss of exploration squads

V-0.5.0 | Moral, Disasters, and Exposure | 1/27/2022 12:30 AM


  • Moral Defeat - If the moral meters hits 0 an event will lead to a game over
  • Moral Events - Camp moral can lead to positive or negative events impacting the camp
  • Shacks and Houses - T2 and T3 housing that provide 2x and 3x the shelter of tents respectively.
  • Housing Protection Upgrades - New research to improve the exposure protection of shelters
  • Added 5 new research missions
  • Added moral loss event
  • Added 5 weather events, short term modifiers that change exposure
  • Added 6 "Incidents", negative freak events resulting in loss of life or buildings


  • Shelters now provide a protection counter to exposure, but may not fully mitigate the exposure risk
  • Adjusted exposure calculations to factor in weather events and be more flexible
  • Exposure is now displayed on the management screen


  • Fixed display glitch that showed "0" for research hours on first research card

V-0.4.0 | The Structures Update | 11/10/2021 2:40 AM

Developer Notes

  • Both this and Version 0.3.0 "Foundations of Research" both were developed at the same time so launched in quick succession


  • The Quarry - Allows for consistent production of stone after being located and repaired
  • The Iron Mine - Allows for consistent production of metal after being located and repaired
  • The Storehouse - Improves maximum storage of materials
  • Resource Warehouses - Allows for additional storage of specific materials


  • Assignment structures like Cookhouse and Sawmill no longer have multiple copies built but are expanded instead
  • Materials and supplies in excess of storage cap will steadily deplete. Sorry material hoarders.
  • Building tents no longer spams the event log.

P-0.3.1 | 11/10/2021 2:30 AM


  • Added exploration squad expansions
  • Added 8 new exploration missions
  • Addded 2 options for some missions

V-0.3.0 | Foundations of Research | 11/10/2021 2:30 AM


  • Research System - Scientists find purpose by conducting research to advance the camp. Research is unlocked by building a Research Tent. Research can be conducted with only 1 researcher but will suffer a massive time penalty
  • The Research Tent - Unlocks the ability to conduct research
  • The Small Workshop - Grants access to T2 research
  • The Advanced Workshop - Grants access to T3 research
  • Added 12 research missions in two catagories - Improvements and Unlocks


  • Resource gathering systems have been reworked to better align with the research system and be more flexible


  • Explorers not on missions but in a squad can now die properly like everyone else

H-0.2.3 | 11/4/2021 12:30 AM


  • Found and fixed a coding error that resulted in missions 2-4 not subtracting rations from sent squad
  • Added check to ensure player has enough materials to form exploration squad before attempting to form, preventing forming without required materials
  • Changed how panels are displayed so if more than one panel opens closing the first does not close the back overlay
  • Corrected an error where users could pause the game using "space" in Survival and Apocalypse

P-0.2.2 | Community Update | 11/3/2021 1:05 AM


  • New Discord server setup with a link in the game footer
  • Basic game tutorial when starting a new game


  • Updated the game's header information

P-0.2.1 | The GME Update | 11/2/2021 7:50 PM


  • New Command-Line Interface for developer "cheats"
  • New split deployment methodology. is the live version of the game, the testing branch may be accessed by appending -testing to thelostcamp. This will allow users to play without partial updates.


  • Split game management into multiple files

V-0.2.0 | The Exploration Update | 11/2/2021 5:00 PM


  • Exploration System - Explorers can now be assigned to squads and sent on missions using rations. First squad may be unlocked using resources but future squads will be to be researched first
  • Exploration Travel - Actively monitor the progress of your exploration teams from the new Exploration Panel, the Event Log, or from the squad button in management
  • Exploration Rewards - Exploration teams will recover materials and supplies for the camp during missions. The amount recieved depends on tier, location, and are semi-random. Rewards can go over storage capacity.
  • Exploration Rotations - New missions generate when a squad is sent on a mission
  • Added an initial set of 10 exploration locations with one option at each location. New options and locations will be added in a later update.


  • Dry Storage now requires The Sawmill be built first


  • Removed some typos

P-0.1.8 | 10/24/2021 3:30 PM


  • The Sawmill - Allows for a constant production of wood supplies
  • Four new events that allow the player to increase specific survivor populations


  • Increased cookhouse production from 3 to 4
  • Removed colors from rations display. May implement again later
  • Version now displays the version of the game that the current save file is based on instead of the most recent deployment


  • Users can no longer highlight headings or boxes with text

P-0.1.7 | 10/24/2021 12:05 PM


  • Seasons - There are 4 seasons with winter being split into multiple sub-seasons. Seasons determine a portion of exposure
  • Dry Storage - Increases storage capacity of rations and raw food while protecting a portion from spoiling
  • Food Spoiling - A portion of rations and raw food not kept in proper storage will spoil each day
  • Events System - New framework implemented to allow events to be easily added into the game. The game will only roll for one event per day. After being rolled an event has a set % chance of happening
  • Added "A Lone Survivor" and "A Ragged Family" events
  • Added capacity limits to materials and supplies
  • Game over now shows difficulty player was on
  • Can now restart games from the "Restart Game" link in the footer


  • Extended starvation system with another tier after 14 days
  • Reconfigured code to reduce save file size and reduce amount of code needed to save by about 60%
  • Rebalanced starting rations
  • Increased starting workers by 10 in Apocalypse
  • Increased starting workers by 15 in Survival
  • Increased starting Workers by 20 and decreased starting Explorers by 5 in Casual

H-0.1.6 | 10/21/2021 6:00 PM


  • Corrected an issue where the game would improperly load game difficulty from save file
  • Corrected homeless survivor counter being set to 0 when loading a save
  • Corrected an error where daily functions would trigger when loading a save file resulting in inconsistant loads
  • Game title now shows the correct day when loading a save file

P-0.1.5 | 10/21/2021 4:15 PM


  • Local Saves - The game now automatically saves every day. If a save file is detected when loading the game it will load the values from it.

P-0.1.4 | 10/21/2021 3:05 AM


  • Time Management System - Player is able to control flow of time based on their difficulty. Casual has full control of speed and can pause the game, Survival has full control of speed, and Apocalypse can only go between normal and fast speeds. All modes start paused to allow the user to navigate the game before starting. This should help newer players overall and help reduce drastic deaths at the start of the game from exposure.


  • Game now starts paused
  • Reduced events font size
  • Lowered overall game speed


  • Moral no longer can go above 100 or below 0

P-0.1.3 | 10/20/2021 4:25 PM


  • Moral - System will be used to determine positive and negative social events. Moral drops from deaths, lack of food, and lack of shelter. Moral improves from proper rations and shelter
  • Exposure - Homeless survivors may die from exposure each day, tents provide shelter. System will be expanded later
  • Implemented Google Analytics


  • Reworked shelter code
  • Assets panel can now be scrolled
  • Gatherers now have a 10% chance to bring 1 wood back to camp


  • Title bar movement when hour changes. It no longer does the wiggles
  • Homeless counter now ticks down when when someone dies

P-0.1.2 | 10/20/2021 3:30 AM


  • Homeless System - Will later be used in the exposure system
  • Tents - Provides minimal shelter
  • Cookhouses - Produces rations
  • Gathering - Produces raw food


  • Survivor assignments now show number assigned and assignment capacity
  • Slowed game speed down
  • Deaths now remove assigned survivors
  • Improved variable system

P-0.1.1 | 10/19/2021 1:15 AM


  • Game Over Screen


  • Slowed game speed down


  • Corrected death percentage calculations
  • Corrected negative ration calculation
  • Negative population now is impossible

V-0.1.0 | 10/18/2021 4:45 PM


  • Difficulty selection
  • Basic population and resources
  • Basic ration depletion system
  • Starvation game over event

Game Introduction

The Lost Camp is a game focused around managing the day-to-day activity of a camp of survivors during the apocalyptic end of humanity. Sitting idle is not an option as various disasters and enviromental seasons will impact your camp.

Basic Navigation: The left-most panel is the Events Log. This will display major events impacting your camp. The upper-middle section of the game shows the current day, hour, and camp moral. The right-most panel allows for the adjustment of game speed (restricted on harder difficulties) and information about your camp including population, materials, supplies, and structures. The middle section of the game is your management panel. This panel allows for the assigning of survivors to tasks and the construction of buildings. After being unlocked this section also gives access to Exploration

Exploration: One of the most important features in this game is exploration. After unlocking Exploration you can access the exploration panel. You can then assign explorers, rations, and send teams on missions. To go on a mission a team must have an amount of rations that equals the team member count multiplied by the tier of the selected mission.

Survival Tips: When first starting you will need to ensure a steady supply of rations and ensure your survivors are protected from the elements. Continued lack of rations and / or shelter snowballs and can quickly kill your camp.

Press "esc" or click the "X" to close this panel and other non event-based panels



Squad 1 - Available On Mission

Explorers: {{exploration.squad1.members}}/{{exploration.squad1.limit}}


Rations: {{exploration.squad1.rations}}


Squad 2 - Available On Mission

Explorers: {{exploration.squad2.members}}/{{exploration.squad2.limit}}


Rations: {{exploration.squad2.rations}}


Squad 3 - Available On Mission

Explorers: {{exploration.squad3.members}}/{{exploration.squad3.limit}}


Rations: {{exploration.squad3.rations}}


Squad 4 - Available On Mission

Explorers: {{exploration.squad4.members}}/{{exploration.squad4.limit}}


Rations: {{exploration.squad4.rations}}


Exploration Missions

Unknown Location


Tier {{exploration.missions.currentMissions.mission1.tier}} Mission


Send Squad {{exploration.missions.selectedTeam}}


No Squads Available

Unknown Location


Tier {{exploration.missions.currentMissions.mission2.tier}} Mission


Send Squad {{exploration.missions.selectedTeam}}


No Squads Available

Unknown Location


Tier {{exploration.missions.currentMissions.mission3.tier}} Mission


Send Squad {{exploration.missions.selectedTeam}}


No Squads Available

Unknown Location


Tier {{exploration.missions.currentMissions.mission4.tier}} Mission


Send Squad {{exploration.missions.selectedTeam}}


No Squads Available

Squad 1 | Tier {{exploration.squad1.missionDetails.tier}} Mission - Unknown | Progress: {{exploration.squad1.progress}}/{{exploration.squad1.progressNeeded}} hours

Squad 1 | Tier {{exploration.squad1.missionDetails.tier}} Mission - {{exploration.squad1.missionDetails.title}} | Progress: {{exploration.squad1.progress}}/{{exploration.squad1.progressNeeded}} hours

Squad 1 | Tier {{exploration.squad1.missionDetails.tier}} Mission - {{exploration.squad1.missionDetails.title}} | Returning In: {{exploration.squad1.totalDistanceAway}} hours

Squad 2 | Tier {{exploration.squad2.missionDetails.tier}} Mission - Unknown | Progress: {{exploration.squad2.progress}}/{{exploration.squad2.progressNeeded}} hours

Squad 2 | Tier {{exploration.squad2.missionDetails.tier}} Mission - {{exploration.squad2.missionDetails.title}} | Progress: {{exploration.squad2.progress}}/{{exploration.squad2.progressNeeded}} hours

Squad 2 | Tier {{exploration.squad2.missionDetails.tier}} Mission - {{exploration.squad2.missionDetails.title}} | Returning In: {{exploration.squad2.totalDistanceAway}} hours

Squad 3 | Tier {{exploration.squad3.missionDetails.tier}} Mission - Unknown | Progress: {{exploration.squad3.progress}}/{{exploration.squad3.progressNeeded}} hours

Squad 3 | Tier {{exploration.squad3.missionDetails.tier}} Mission - {{exploration.squad3.missionDetails.title}} | Progress: {{exploration.squad3.progress}}/{{exploration.squad3.progressNeeded}} hours

Squad 3 | Tier {{exploration.squad3.missionDetails.tier}} Mission - {{exploration.squad3.missionDetails.title}} | Returning In: {{exploration.squad3.totalDistanceAway}} hours

Squad 4 | Tier {{exploration.squad4.missionDetails.tier}} Mission - Unknown | Progress: {{exploration.squad4.progress}}/{{exploration.squad4.progressNeeded}} hours

Squad 4 | Tier {{exploration.squad4.missionDetails.tier}} Mission - {{exploration.squad4.missionDetails.title}} | Progress: {{exploration.squad4.progress}}/{{exploration.squad4.progressNeeded}} hours

Squad 4 | Tier {{exploration.squad4.missionDetails.tier}} Mission - {{exploration.squad4.missionDetails.title}} | Returning In: {{exploration.squad4.totalDistanceAway}} hours






Research Center

Current Tier: {{research.currentTier}}

Researchers: {{research.staff}}/{{research.staffCapacity}} +



Costs: {{research.currentSelection.s1.woodCost}} wood, {{research.currentSelection.s1.stoneCost}} stone, and {{research.currentSelection.s1.metalCost}} metal

100% Research Rate: {{research.currentSelection.s1.researchTime}} hours



Costs: {{research.currentSelection.s2.woodCost}} wood, {{research.currentSelection.s2.stoneCost}} stone, and {{research.currentSelection.s2.metalCost}} metal

100% Research Rate: {{research.currentSelection.s2.researchTime}} hours

Currently Researching


Progress: {{research.progress}}/{{research.progressNeeded}}





Restart Game

Pick wisely, this choice is irreversible

Game Over

{{eventLog[eventLog.length - 1]}}

We survived for {{}} days on Casual Survival Apocalypse

The Lost Camp Command Line

Caution: Usage of this system may break your savefile!!!